Friday, March 23, 2012


Once again, I am so behind in posting.  What can I say except, we have been busy every day.  Then when evening comes, I am pooped and don't feel like posting on the blog.  Not a good excuse, I know, but the only one I have.

Wednesday, March 14, Rick's birthday.  We had a celebration at Rick and Sharon's house, with Chelle and Jacob.   Harris made fettuccine, and Rick fixed chicken add garlic break and you have our meal.   For dessert we had homemade lemon pie and chocolate cake.  We had lots of laughs and fun. 

Thursday, March 15:  On Thursday morning Ann and I went to Faith Presbyterian Church to attend the Presbyterian Women's group.  This was my first time to attend this group.  It was a great group.   Thursday afternoon was our last pen making class.  I am really surprised at how good my pen turned out.  I have never used a lathe before.  I can't say I am really good at it, but I did make a pen and it does not look that bad.  I am hoping to take another class next year, hoping I will get better at using the lathe. 

Friday, March 16:  This day was a day full of running errands and getting things ready for our trip to San Francisco.  I got a hair cut, went to Weight Watchers to do my monthly weigh in; and many other errands before heading home. 

Saturday, March 17:  We were up early and ready for the Super Shuttle to pick us up to take us to the Phoenix International Airport.  We got to the airport in plenty of time to catch our flight to the  Oakland airport.  When we arrived at the Oakland Airport it was VERY VERY cold and windy.  We had planned our trip to arrived a couple of days early so we could do some site seeing.  We had not planned on it being so blooming cold.  Of course we didn't take really warm clothes.  Since we were there to see some things we decided to do it cold or not.  The Golden Gate Bridge looked really neat from the up on one of the hills.  I took some pictures that will show how gloomy the day was. 

Sunday, March 18:  On Sunday we got up and headed up to Santa Rosa to attend church where one of our friends, Renee Rico, is the interim pastor.  It was really fun to see Renee in the pulpit of her church.  She had a great sermon.  Renee is a avoid knitter, and when I told  her I was cold, I soon owned one of her really neat shawls.  Thanks Renee!!  It helped me to stay warmer.  After church we headed back to the Hotel in Marin Country through wine country.  Since we didn't have a lot of time, we decided to only stop at 2 wineries for tasting.   Then back to San Francisco Theological Seminary to get things set up for the Pre-Retirement seminar that was beginning on Monday. 

Monday, March 19-20:  Our GITT (Growing into Tomorrow Today) began at 8:30 on Monday.  We had 16 registered, but only 14 showed up.  We had a great group of participants from many different places.   The seminar began on Monday at 8:30 and ended on Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. 

Wednesday, March 21:  Time to go back to Sun City

Thursday, March 22:  Another busy day in the RV park.  At 8:30 a.m, Ann and I met Jan Jeorge to go to  the PEO group we have been visiting for their meeting.  Thursday evening was another "Thursday nights at Faith".  The meal was good as usual.  The entertainment this time was a juggler. 

Friday, March 22:  Ann, Gary, Harris and I went to the Big Good Sam Rally that was held at the Phoenix International Raceway.  The day was good. 

Golden Gate Bridge

From the overlook
Coffee at Starbucks
Jan at Starbucks

Harris at the overlook

Church of the Roses Presbyterian Church

Monday, March 12, 2012


Gosh were did the weekend go!!  Since today is Monday, I need to try to remember what we did. 

Friday:  We did our wash since we were busy on Thursday morning.  It seems once we get it done, we have dirty clothes again.    Friday evening we were just sitting here thinking about what we might have to dinner, when our next door neighbors invited us over for happy hour.  When we got home, we decided we didn't need dinner. 

Saturday:  Was "Shoppers Paradise" up at the ballroom.  Several vendors and people who had crafts to sell were set up for people to come and shop.  It was a good place to see friends and find some good buys.  

Sunday:  Was choir and church.  After church, the lunch group we meet with at church headed out to lunch at Lakeside restaurant at a nearby golf course.  

Jacob came over the spend the afternoon with us.  Jake and I took a bike ride around the park and I showed him around our complex.  Later Jake and Harris took a ride over to see one of the park models that had an open house.  We have learned a lot about park models.  This park is about half park models and half RV's.  Harris fixed hamburgers and turkey burgers for dinner.  He had already made coleslaw.  I made potato salad.  (both are Jacobs favorites). 


Our day began with our weekly bike ride..  Today we rode 8 miles to the "Royal Cafe" for brunch.  Then we rode back, a total of over 15 miles today.  It seems to get easier and easier each week.  

Today was a beautiful day, so we headed to the pool this afternoon for a dip.   The water was wonderful.  It felt really good to be in the pool.  This is the first time this year we have gone to the pool. 

This evening we attended a block party right behind us.  There were 32 people there.  We met a really a new couple who live just down the street.  They are from Minnesota.  We had a really good time.  When the gathering was done, we headed out to meet Rick and Sharon at AJO AL's Mexican restaurant. 

Tomorrow is another day in Paradise

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dinners at Faith Church are always a highlight for us.  It is one of the things that helped us to  decide  Faith Presbyterian Church in Sun City was the place we enjoy worshiping while we are in the area.  We enjoy the friendliest of the people and their acceptance of us and other winter visitors. 

The worshipping congregation of Faith gathers the second and fourth Thursdays for dinner and a program.  Tonight the program was the "Mellow Winds" Clarinet Choir.  Wow I've never seen as many clarinets in one place.Their director told us he had  25 in the choir tonight.    What mellow music. 

I took a few pictures for of tonight. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Strange Lemon

Now to catch up from last Saturday. 

Sunday:   Up early and at church again at 8:00 a.m. for choir practice.  It really feels good to sing in the choir again.  After church we came home for lunch before going to Scottsdale with Rick and Sharon for a little antiquing. 

Monday:  Our bike group met  at 9:00 a.m. for our weekly ride to brunch. This past Monday we rode 15 miles.  Our leader, Bob, keeps extending the miles.  Who knows what it will be next week.  The funny part is,neither o f us are sore when we get back.  In fact it is really fun. 

Monday afternoon, Ann and I headed for the wood shop for a wooden pen making class.  We will finish them on the 15h.  This was an experience for me as I have never done anything with wood before.  The first lessons we learned was how to use the equipment.  Then we practiced on the lathe with a dummy piece of wood.  WOW was that an experience.  I have never used a lathe before.  When we return to class on the 15th we will be turning our pens.  I am not sure how it will turn out.  I would like to make some bowls next year, I am hoping I will enjoy working with wood.

Tuesday:   We headed up to the ballroom to preview the shows the park will be bringing to Paradise in 2013.  After that we took our walk around the park, and got our mail. 

Last night we picked walked over to get Ann and Gary and headed to the ballroom for the "Paradise players in "Bull in a China Shop".  It was opening night and it was hilarious.  The cast forgot their lines which made it even funnier.  The ad libs were to funny.  I am sure tonight we be even better and tomorrow night even better than that.  

Wednesday  Today we woke up to a chilly Sun City.  The temps dropped 20 degrees since yesterday.  The wind made it even cooler. Our hopes were the weather would not hinder our plans to go to the Phoenix  Zoo with Chelle and Jacob.   Since it was lunch time we decided to stop at Subway.  The zoo was a lot of fun, especially since we were with the kids.  It reminded me of the times the 4 of us have had when the kids were growing up.  What a special day!!

Chelle and Jacob at the Zoo


 Harris, and Jake

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Well I guess I need to catch up on what has been happening here at Paradise.  I beleive the last time I posted anything was on Wednesday.    So here goes!

Thursday:  Thursday morning has become  wash day.  It was up to the laundry mat around 9:00 a.m.  Once we got the wash in the machine we headed out to take a walk for the 25 minutes it takes to wash the clothes.  Then back to put the clothes in the dryer.  The dryers here take 48 minutes, so it was back to the streets to finish our walk.  The neatest thing about our washing machines are they do not take quarters.  Instead, we use a card, like a credit card.  We add money to the card through a machine.  When we put the card into the machine it tells us how much we still have on the card.  COOL!

After lunch we headed to Chelle's to see her new apartment. It is a one bedroom apartment that just fits her.  She has it decorated so cute.   I just love it!   We had a very good visit with her in her very comfortable apartment.  

Harris cooked steaks on the grill, while I made sweat potatoes and stir fred veggies for dinner. (YUM)

Firday :  We woke up to a lot of wind and really cool weather.  Because it was pretty windy we decided not to walk until later, I didn't want to be blown down.  I decided it would be a good work day.  I had lots to do for APIMS.   Later in the afternoon we did get our walk in. 

Friday evening we walked over to Ann and Gary's to walk up to the Ballroom to hear the "Encores" a brass band that play Big Band music.  What a GREAT band.  All the members are senior Citizens (some more than others).  They are really great.  We enjoyed the people we sat with.  Ann, Gary, and us sat at a 8 person table.  Soon two other couples joined us.  We had not met them, but Ann and Gary had.  Our next door neighbors were sitting lone, so I invited them to join us.  In fact they knew everyone but Ann and Gary.  The evening was really good.

Saturday  This morning we did get up and go for a walk.  Shortly after breakfast, we hopped on our bikes and rode the 3 miles to Orangewood RV Happy Camper Days Sale and Chili Cook off.  They also had free hambergers and hot dogs.  All their campers were open for examination.  Then we rode the 3 miles back home.  This afternoon we had to run errands.  Tonight we will just chill at home. 

Have a wonderful day!!