Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday April 1

Wow,  it seems like I have not written on the blog for over a week.  No excuses for my  not writing.  Time just seems to fly by. 
I think the last time I wrote was after we went to the Good Sam RV Rally. 

Saturday:  March 24:  Today was the Arts and Craft fair at Paradise RV Resort.  This is the day when all the shops and crafters display and sell their projects they have been working on.  Besides selling their projects, there are also door prizes, food, and plenty of fun seeing friends along the way. I especially like this day because I like to find Christmas presents among the crafters.   Several of the crafters give away a door prize.  We both signed up for several of the door prizes.  Much to our surprise when we got home from running some errands to find a beautiful pendent made in the stained glass shop. 

Sunday, March 25:  We went to church as usual and then out to lunch with Ann and Gary.  We decided it would be our last time to go out to lunch together this season.  After lunch we headed back to the RV park to change our clothes and get ready to go to a bell concert at the Lutheran Church near by.  The concert was outstanding.  Our bell director was playing in the concert and several members of our church were there to support her. 

Monday, March 26: We were off again on our usual Monday morning bike ride with the bike group.  We rode about 15 miles and had a wonderful brunch.  It was a bitter sweet ride as several of our members were heading home at different times this past week.  Monday afternoon we headed to the pool area with Ann and Gary for the Annual going away party hosted by the resort.  The "Blue Notes" were providing the music while the park provided barbeque, baked beans, and coleslaw.   The food was music was really good as was the food.  The people at our table offered us some beer, which we gratfully accepted. 

Tuesday, March 27  Harris worked on getting our tax information ready to send to our Tax person in Nashville while I went to lunch with Chelle and Jacob.  Prior to lunch, I went shopping.  I usually try to get out of Harris hair when he is working on the Taxes.  Chelle, Jacob and I went to the Elephant Bar for lunch.  It was a really good lunch. 

Wednesday, March 28  Once again, we were up and ready to head out for another bike ride with the bike group.  This one was our LONG ride.  We rode to the Glendale airport for brunch and back to the park.  All in all we rode 25 miles.  It is the first time we have ridden that far.  We were tired, but it felt good to know we rode 25 miles.  Of course my bottom side told me about later in the day. 

Thursday,29: It was laundry day.  Before heading up to the laundry mat, we stopped to see Ann and Gary as they were moving to McDow Regional Park for a week or so before heading back to Idaho.  We will head over there to see them on Wednesday or Thursday of this week to ride bikes 
and spend the day with them.  Then it will be another year before we see them back here. 

While the laundry was being washed and dryed, we took our walk around the park.  Then in the afternoon we went for a bike ride around the park. 

Friday:  March 30:  Errend day!!! 

Saturday,March 31:    We finished our erands in the morningbefore Rick and Sharon picked us up around 12:30 for lunch at Culvers and some antiquing at the Brass Armadillo.  We had a good day, but didn't buy anything.

Sunday, April 1:  Today was a very busy day.  We were up and at church at 8:00 a..m. as usual for choir practice.  It was a very special day for me,as today was the day I joined Faith Presbyterian Church as an Afiliate member.  At 8:45 my sponsors, Ann and Gary Kennaly, and myself went to get our pictures made.  Then back to choir practice for a little more  practice.  Then at 9:20 we went to meet with the Sesson.  Back to the choir room to get ready for the service.  After services, was a reception for all the new membes.  Faith Presbyterian has a great way to celebrate new members.  At coffee hour, each new member sits  at a table maked with their name.  Members of the congregation move from table to table to meet the new members.  It was really great meeting so many people. today.  After church we headed to the Royal Cafe to meet with the small group from church we have been meeting for lunch once a month.

We have two more weeks left here in Sun City. 

Another week finished: 

Pool at Paradise RV Resort
Ann and Gary Kennaly

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