Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Laundry day!!  Yep today was the day to do the laundry.  We didn't go to exercise as there was bunches to do today.  So we got up, had breakfast, and headed to the laundry room.  The good part about going to do the laundry is we walk while the clothes are washing. Then when they are done, we go back to change batches.  I love it that we are able to hang the sheets, and other things out in the "solar dryer".  Our sheets never smelled so good.  It reminds me of when I was a kid.  The rest of the things we put in the dryer.  While the dryer is running (45 min) we finish our walk.  All in all we walk about close to an hour.  So we are accomplishing two things at once. 

With the laundry finished we headed home to get some things done toward our trip to Austin later this week for a Pre-retirement seminar, at the end of the week.  

Lunch time!  For some reason, I was hungry way before lunch.  Once lunch was over, we headed up to the ballroom for our Arizona  2 Step class.  It really helped to work with Janice and David yesterday afternoon on our turns.  Our teacher Kort,  seemed pleased at how far we had come.  I too was really pleased, since we had only had two lessons before they were cancelled.  It was really great to be doing the class with our good friends Janice and David and Cordell and Gaye. 

After our lesson, we headed to the post office to mail our box to Austin for our Pre-retirement seminar next week.  With that done, we headed home again. 

Back down to Janice and David's to practice our dance steps for tomorrow night's West Coast swing, and our lessons from today.  Cordell and Gaye joined us.  I am so glad that Janice and David have a really big driveway so we can all 3 work on our dance steps. 

Tonight Harris grilled chicken, while I fixed potatoes and broccoli. 

Tomorrow is another day

Have a wonderful day

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