Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Friday, March 29

Exercise in the morning, then home for an egg sandwich.  After that, I went for a bike ride down to Dave and Janice's to tell her kids goodbye.  They were leaving for home after the ball game.  Then back home to run some errands. 

Friday late afternoon, we went to David and Janice's house to talk to them about how their week went with the kids and grand kids.

Saturday, March 30

Our day began with a walk around the park to get in our almost 3 miles.   Sometime after breakfast, Harris put the Pork Spare ribs on the grill to brown them prior to  simmering in barbecue sauce.  Later it was a bike ride around the park with David and Janice.  Saturday afternoon, we went over to Dave and Ellen's  (our pastor and his wife) house.  I made them a rug as a retirement gift.  I think it will look nice in their Flagstaff home.  Ellen was thrilled to get the rug as, she said her mom used to make rag rugs.  I was so grateful that they liked it. 

It was home for a early dinner before the country western dance at the ballroom.  We planned to meet David and Janice, and Cordell (Cork) and Gaye up there.  As we were walking to up there, we met David and Janice on Paradise St as they were walking up to the ballroom.  Cork and Gaye arrived shortly after we got there.  A couple of other couples from either our AZ 2-Step or West Coast Swing class, joined us at our table.  What a fun night.  We were able to practice all the steps we have learned in both classes. 
We sure are going to miss our connections with dancing.  We will need to find some way to keep up our dancing. 

Sunday, March 31

Easter Sunday!  Christ is Risen!  Christ is Risen Indeed.   We had a 8:00 a.m. choir call to practice our Easter music.  We had 3 strings that played with us.  It really sounded GREAT.  In fact I think our anthem was really great too.  It was a sad day as well it was the last service Pastor Dave would have at Faith Church.   It was also the last day Ellen would be the Parish Nurse of Faith Church.  The congregation will miss them both.  Our interim pastor will not begin until April 15th.  Next Sunday, our Associate Pastor, Gloria will be preaching.  The following Sunday, April 14th, some guy named Harris Schultz will be preaching. 

After church we went into fellowship hall to tell Jan and Rory goodbye as the were heading back to Minnesota on Monday.  I sure will miss them.  Thank goodness Barb isn't going to leave until around the time we do. 

We didn't stay to long in fellowship hall as we need to get home to get things ready for dinner with Rick, Sharon, Jacob and Chelle.  They arrived around 1:30 p.m. We ate around 2:15.  We had barbecue spare ribs that had been simmered in barbecue sauce.  potato salad, cole slaw, homemade mac and cheese, green bean casserole, salad, bread, ice tea, or lemonade.  Sharon brought cookies for dessert. 

Before the kids left, Janice, David, Cork and Gaye came down to meet all of them.  I had wanted them to meet the kids.  After the kids left, Janice, David, Cork and Gaye stayed around to talk.  It was fun having them here.  I am really glad they got to meet our kids and I am glad our kids got to meet our friends. 

After cleaning up the mess from dinner, I dropped into a chair.  I was pooped.  I fell asleep in my chair by 8:30.  We were both in bed by 9:00.  I think we were both really tired. 

Monday, April 1

Happy April Fools day!  Of course we didn't have any April fool's jokes played on us.  Monday it was our last official bike ride.  We only had 16 on the bike ride.  What a difference a week makes.   We had brunch at JiMichaels at the lake. 

After we got home, I headed to Kathy's to pick up another one of her rope baskets.  I had seen this basket with another women, who thought she was going to buy it.  But since she didn't I decided to buy it.  I love Kathy's baskets.  While at her house, I had a class of lemonade with Kathy and Lee.  They will be here for a little while longer. 

It was back home.  On Monday's since we have brunch at 10:30, we don't eat lunch. We usually have an early dinner.  That works the best as I have line dance lessons at 6:00.   Janice attended my line dance class, so after class we walked home together. 

Tuesday, April 2

This morning we were up and headed up to exercise for our 4 mile walk workout.  This is not my favorite date of exercise, but we go anyway.  It is a great workout.  When we got home we had breakfast, showered, and got ready for the day.  Then I went for a 3 1/2 mile walk with Janice. Then home for lunch before AZ 2-Step class at 1:00 pm.  After dance class we had to go to the grocery store.  It seems like we go to the store a lot.  I know it is because we don't have room to store that much food. 

We had left overs for dinner.  Then Harris washed the back side of the house (camper), while I cleaned up the kitchen.  Then to watch Dancing with the Stars.  Which is what I am doing right now.

Have a wonderful day.

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